Monday, April 28, 2014

Lesson Learned

"No regret, just lesson learned . . . "

If you are not daring enough, don't you ever try to:

1) be friend with fake people
2) confess your feeling

"Why cannot be friend with fake people?

I had this one friend and she was soo stupid. Aku tak tahu dia punya tahap bodoh tu macam mana tapi yang pasti bodoh dia memang tak boleh nak ajar (Simpati teruk aku dengan dekat perempuan ni) I admit she WAS my friend. I thought she is a good person, innocent but I was wrong. Stupid me believe her! And now, idk what wrong with her. Suddenly she blocks me and a few my friends (yg kawan tu takpelah sebab i know the true story but me.. -_-' ) 
Maybe people think that I'm to rude or kasar when talking with them but actually I'm Not. That's ME. I'm not that kind of girly to say polite things all the time (I am not HYPOCRITE person) Benda boleh bincang. Just tell me or tegur kalau aku ada buat salah. Jangan nak tweet membabi buta then tell them that I was stalking you. Oh what? Am I a stalker? Hahahahahaaa.. Let me tell you something. Aku cuma stalk orang yang lawa, orang yang aku sayang dan family aku. Kau bukan orang yang lawa, bukan orang yang aku sayang and even not a part of my family. Jangan perasan. Like seriously, kau tak lawa.

"Why cannot confess your feeling?"

I am a girl, never confess my feeling (unless if he is my couple) and I'm not that dare to confess it because I afraid that I will lose him one day.

If we want to confess our feeling, its okay but we have to face this two kind situations ;
  1. Kau diterima
  2. Kau direject

Guess what, I confess my feeling and now he don't want to layan me like before. Orang suggest suruh confess, aku ikut jee. Kadang bingai jugak aku nie (Tapi tak seteruk manusia perempuan atas tu) Aku pun confess lah feling aku. Kononnya nak cakap benda lain tapi aku cakap benda lain (Dasar bingai) Dia pun just say thanks je. So kena faham2 sendirilah (Menyorok belakang pintu sambil lap air mata) Aku tak cukup daring lagi dalam bab2 macam ni sebab aku tak tahu and totally tak reti macam mana nak handle and control myself in this kind of situation. That's why i always fail in relationship.

As the conclusion . . . . . . 

Kalau rasa diri tak cukup berani, janganlah buat perkara yang sedemikan rupa sebab kadang2 ada yang tak boleh terima akibat dari perbuatan mereka. And the important things is beware in making friend. Maybe at first they look too kind, too innocent but later segala belang dia tunjuk. Kita jugak yang suffer because of this kind behavior yang tak berapa nak matang and professional. 

"I just wanna say that I do love you and I really do"

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