Wednesday, July 10, 2013


As we know, budak2 zaman sekarang sangat Advance, even masa sekolah dulu aku rasa aku ni dah Advance tapi hakikatnya mereka lagi Advance. Tapi takpelah sebab aku berpegang dengan satu benda. Zaman dah berubah, dunia dah maju. Kan uolls. We all xboleh la nak expect someone or anyone to be like us. 

Back to my topic, melepak. I think almost people in this entire world will melepak with their friends until late night or maybe never come back home, maybe.. Who knows :-/ I'm also one of the them who like to melepak until late night. But right now, that is not the question. I am so curious about our young generations who like to melepak. For me, it is not a bad things to do but weyh!! cuba la fikir kalau lepak dengan baju sekolah dekat badan, rokok dekat mulut then melepak dekat kaki lima yang busuk. Bodoh kot.. Mak ayah mati-mati ingat anak pergi sekolah but the fact is they are not. They are enjoying their day with their friends who such like a parasite maybe. 

Kenapa lepak jadi topic?

Oh yaa.. Actually, semalam, after class, Eja terus balik rumah. Before sampai rumah tu, Eja terserempak dengan 4 orang budak sekolah (menengah) tengah melepak and merokok. You know what.. They all are so proud with the cigarette yang they all hisap. Menyampah pulak hati kite dengan they all ni.

Why I am so mad with them? 

Of course lah marah sebab pelajaran tu menjamin masa depan mereka. Bukan rokok sekotak or melepak with out any reason. Lepak tu tak salah even Eja sendiri pon suka sangat melepak with my friends especially. Tapi orang kata, pandai-pandai lah bahagikan masa. Masa belajar kita belajar, masa lepak kita lepak. I'm so sad bila tengok adik-adik yang agak bodoh jugak la kan sebenarnye (even mak ayah hantar pergi sekolah) ponteng sekolah semata-mata nak melepak. Tak make sense langsung la. Macam esok lusa xboleh nak jumpa kawan lagi. 

Tak faham Iollss dengan they all nie. Agaknya baru nak teroka dunia kot. But NVM lah, life masing-masing. Hopefully they all sedar dengan cepatnye about melepak and bahayanya rokok. 

*melepak tak salah tapi ada caranya* 

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