Saturday, September 7, 2013

Life, Love, Family and Friends

Hey. Sorry because this entry has no welcome. :(

For this two months, i've gotta lot of problem. Disaster, catastrophe, matter, proposition, loser, i feel all things running up on mind like struck by lightning. :'(


"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself"

Yes.. Life is not about finding ourselves but it actually about creating ourselves. From our life experience we learn everything. Every single thing that happened in our life is a lesson for us. Same goes with me. Everything that happens to me in my life has its own reason but sometime i didn't understand why it happened to me? And why me?

What is life? Can I feel it? Can I touch it? If no, what does it means??

People always said that life is beautiful and full of colors. Beautiful likes me?*perasan la pulak*  Colorful like rainbow? If they say Yes, why I can’t see it. Life is unfair and sometimes it is too cruel for me to move on. I feel like I can’t take it anymore and I GIVE UPI’ve been surrounded with fool people. Fooling each other and get fooled itself. We can never achieve happiness when we steal people's happiness. Lying, cheating, this is a world of imitation.

For me, life is an adventure when you keep facing all the challenges in it. Life is nothing when you keep running away from it. Both have its own value to pay for and I'd try both. What I get?? Nothing and I’m tired enough with my life.


"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, Love is a war ; Love is growing up."

I dunno why I'm talking about this. Maybe I'm in love with someone or maybe I've been hurt by someone.  Or maybe both.. Hmm… Love is something that can hurt me and it feel like dying when I'm waiting for something that I'm not really sure if it will be mine. And love also hurting me when someone that I love left me because of a girl and gave me a stupid reasons. :/ Love can’t be trust at all. But never mind. Its part of our life and we have to face it one day. And now, I already experienced it. Feeling happy, sad, frustrated and sometimes funny. Hahaha… I dunno why I’m saying it funny but when I’m think about it back, I laughed. I can’t stop from laughing. Hahahahahahahaa… 

But I feel so ‘bersyukur’ because of I have 

"Family and friends are life's gift"

Of course FAMILY and FRIENDS :D Without them, I dunno who I am rite now, how I wil survive for this life or maybe I’m nothing in this tiny cruel world.

To all of my family and friends who listen to me when I'm angry, hug me when I'm sad and laugh with me (or sometimes at me) whenever they can. I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me and i just wanted to tell you I LOVE YOU :D

Lastly.. i hope in my life i can and really do 

Yes.. I hope so that I will get a better life soon. :)

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